Individual Life & Professional Coaching
Fulfill your New Year’s resolutions. I’ll work with you to identify goals and outcomes, and remove inner and outer obstacles to fulfillment and self-expression. Clients receive coaching programs customized to meet the particulars of their histories, circumstances, and goals. Each program includes 10 sessions that are scheduled biweekly; additional phone and email support; and practices that help grow the capacities and habits needed to attain goals. If you live in the Bay Area, we'll meet in my San Francisco or Berkeley office. If you live elsewhere, we'll meet via Skype. Read about former clients' experiences here. To see if Life and Professional Coaching is a good fit, contact me to schedule a complimentary phone chat.
My One Big Thing: Group Coaching for Personal & Professional Growth
What is an assumption you make about yourself or your life (your “one big thing”) that might be holding you back from remarkable growth and success? Find out in this safe, structured coaching program drawing on cutting-edge discoveries in the fields of human development, change management, and brain neuroplasticity. Group discussion, partner work, creative exercises, written reflections, meditations, guided visualizations, self-designed assignments done between group meetings, camaraderie with fellow travelers, and three hours of one-one-one coaching will all support your growth process. Choice of in-person or video conferencing. Details here. Read what past participants are saying here. To register or for more info, contact me.
Sculpting Your Future: A Half-day Self-development Workshop
What aspirations do you harbor that you haven’t been able to fully act on yet? What aspects of your potential do you long to unlock? In this workshop, you’ll learn the secrets of how to sculpt your future. Find out how to name an aspiration you want to focus on; develop a doable plan for working toward it; carry out your plan; and assess your progress and make course corrections as necessary. Details here. To register or for more info, contact me.
First few minutes of "Sculpting Your Future" workshop featured in "Next Chapter: Designing Your Ideal Life" lecture series sponsored by Friends of the Library and the Monterey Public Library.
Sourcing Our Dreams: A Half-day Creativity Workshop
Learn how to use dreams to make art. In this safe, structured workshop, we’ll discuss techniques for dream recall and recording, and look at how various artists and writers have used dreams as sources of ideas, images and language. Then, with the support of generative prompts, you’ll create a drawing, poem, or microfiction that conveys your experience in a fresh way. Details here. To register or for more info, contact me.
Unpacking Our Dreams: A Half-day Dream Analysis Workshop
You can use your dreams to gain fresh insight into where you’ve been and where you’re heading. In this safe, structured workshop, learn practical methods for recalling and recording dreams, discover myriad ways humankind has used dreams to solve problems and understand life, and practice a technique for tuning into dreams’ profound messages. Details here. To register or for more info, contact me.